About Us

Documentary, Arts-Based Methods and Social Justice (DocUBC) cluster

DocUBC is the first cluster of its kind in a Canadian university to bring together both nonfiction filmmakers and an interdisciplinary set of scholars and practitioners working with visual and arts-based methodologies for social change.  The cluster focuses deepening ties between scholars and artists working in these areas at UBC through building a website and online presence, an internal colloquium and retreat, the development of a Documentary Centre, and a public-facing screening and speaker series.

Key themes include revived ethics, decolonizing approaches to research and creation, and community-based engagement amongst the broader themes of methodologies and mediums.  The cluster includes graduate students working with visual, arts-based and documentary methods.

This website aims to introduce you to our research cluster and contains all of the information you will need to engage with our research and attend our events. 


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DocUBC Newsletter coming soon.